Looking for an inexpensive activity you can do by yourself that’s more interesting and rewarding than solitaire or television? Here’s a simple and grounding way to a healthy and happy life.
"Micro" gardens are all the rage right now and for good reason. These tiny vegetable gardens are a great way to eat well, cheaply and get regular physical activity all at the same time. Not to mention the immense feeling of accomplishment and satisfaction one derives from eating fresh and nutritious produce grown by one's own hand.
There are actually a lot of reasons growing even some of your own food is good for you, the environment and the world around us.
When Charles Newbold patented the first cast-iron plow in 1797 it set our culture on track to remove the individual from the food production process for the first time in history. This incited the most powerful revolution in the way humans obtain produce since the Neolithic Revolution and changed a fundamental behavior that had se